Equipment Lending Program

NDRA New Player Equipment Lending Program

The NDRA Equipment Lending Program was started in 2014/15 thanks to a grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation.   We hope this program will encourage and help all families new to ringette to participate and have fun!  This, in turn, contributes to the success of ringette in Newmarket.  

To be eligible for this program your child must be:
? New to ringette (priority is given to first-year players)
? Between 4 and 12 years of age
? Registered with NDRA with registration fees paid

When you register with NDRA, please indicate you are interested in the Lending Program.  The NDRA Equipment Lending Program Coordinator will contact you and let you know the details regarding obtaining equipment.  

Your player will be fitted with almost everything she will need* to play (*pending size/availability), including:
? Ringette stick
? Ringette cage for your helmet (mandatory in order to play)
? Neck guard
? Chest protector
? Elbow pads and shin guards
? Girdle and ringette pants
? Ringette gloves
? Bag

JERSEYS:  home and away jerseys will be provided to you by your coach/team manager at your first practice.  

What to Bring to Your Equipment Fitting Appointment

Please bring the following with you:
? Helmet - we will need your helmet to fit the ringette cage  (ringette cage is mandatory equipment)
? Deposit Cheque of $300 (refundable upon return of equipment)(see below)
? Lending Fee Cheque of $50 (or e-transfer paid to NDRA) (non-refundable)(see below)

Please have your player wear a long-sleeved undershirt and tights to the fitting.

DEPOSIT AND LENDING FEE CHEQUES:  Provide a post-dated (April 1, 2024) $300 deposit cheque, and a $50 lending fee cheque (dated the day you receive the equipment) (or an e-transfer paid to NDRA prior to your equipment try-on session) (two separate cheques please), each payable to Newmarket Ringette Association. All cheques are due upon taking possession of the equipment.  Deposit cheque will not be cashed unless equipment is not returned.

Picking Up Your Equipment
? Please allow 20-30 minutes for fitting equipment.  
? You will sign a PROMISSORY CONTRACT (see Forms on our website) at the time of fitting pledging to keep track of and care for the equipment.  

We encourage players to wear a t-shirt and long underwear under equipment at all times for comfort.  We encourage you to dry out equipment between uses and to please wash equipment on a regular basis.  

Keeping track of your equipment:  Please mark all pieces of your equipment with your player’s jersey number, preferably no more than 1 inch high, inside. 


ALL EQUIPMENT IS DUE BACK BY APRIL 15, 2024 IN CLEAN and GOOD CONDITION.  Please wash before returning.

The NDRA Equipment Manager will share details with you closer to the end of the season regarding returning borrowed equipment. Upon return of all equipment by April 15, 2023, in good condition, NDRA will return your deposit cheque.   

IF EQUIPMENT IS NOT RETURNED:  If equipment is not returned by April 15th NDRA will cash the $300 deposit cheque.

RETURNING DAMAGED EQUIPMENT OR IN THE CASE OF MISSING EQUIPMENT:   Upon return of the equipment, if any equipment is missing or *damaged, NDRA will cash the $300 deposit cheque and deduct the cost of any *damaged or missing equipment and then rebate the difference (see value of individual items in your promissory contract).

*damaged = beyond normal wear and tear and the piece needs to be replaced. 

If you have any questions contact: Equipment Manager at

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